Scenic Resource Gallery

Donald Robert

  • Production
  • Scenic Artist
    Donald Robert Fox
  • Venue

Foot light Shells - Chicago
Detroit Country Day School
Vacuum formed shells were purchased and prepped for process.
Step 1. Shells are coated with a layer of crystal gel allowed to dry.
Step 2. Shells are base coated with Rosco Off Broadway Antique Gold
Step 3. Shells are then scumbled lightly with a mixture of Aztec Gold Mica powder and Crystal gel.
Step 4. Shadowing painted in shell scallops with Rosco super saturated purple toned down with velour black.
Step 5. Dusted with Krylon Black enamel spray paint.
Step 6. Sealed with Rosco premier clear glossy

Note: That the additional layer of crystal gel helps to add some structural substance to the plastic.