Scenic Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Skin of Our Teeth
  • Scenic Artist
    Christina Rainwater
  • Venue

We wanted to create a slightly textured resist to create raised, lighter grain on the wood for our boardwalk platforms, painted on masonite. We primed the masonite with backpaint, and then based the boards with a three color wet blend of Rosco Off Broadway colors mixed with white. To create the resist, we used Rosco Flat Acrylic right out of the can. We applied the Flat thickly with a brush, and used a cut squeege and a wood rocking tool to create the raised grain. Once the Flat dried, we laid several glazes of Rosco Off Broadway paints mixed with Rosco Gloss Acrylic and water over the top, making sure the glaze flowed enough to settle into the grooves. We also did several spatter drags with the same glazes. Once everything was dry, we sealed it with 3 coats of a water-based polyurethane through a mister.