Color Resource Gallery


  • Lighting Designer
    Thomas Gale
  • Venue
    Pasco School District Performing Arts Center
  • Producing Entity
    Cindy Lewnes

As both general director and technical director of Pasco School District performing arts center, I designed a house plot to cover most of the events we host from dramas, to meetings, to fine arts showcases, and regular professional tours. With student employee, Cindy Lewnes, as co-designer of the pictured dance showcase directed by River Ridge dance teacher, Lynn Vairo, we used both high and low side lighting with three color stage washes and lavender back lighting to achieve as many unique looks as possible for a twenty-five number showcase featuring dance, drama, and band numbers. For dance numbers we relied heavily on cool sides using RX67 to sculpt the dancers' bodies against an RX57 Lavender cyclorama and an RX27 red wash, allowing us to keep our front area lights as low as possible so as not to wash out the saturated color mixes but still allow faces to be seen clearly. The high and low cool sides worked well also against an RX80 blue cyclorama. My house plot design allowed for a large number of proscenium instruments for gobos (usually colored with split gels) to increase the variety of looks we could create.

Colors Used:

  • R67
  • R27
  • R57
  • R80